"Linear to Circular" event - Wellington
8 November 2019
“Linear to Circular” – New Zealand’s opportunities and challenges in the 21st century
Enablers and barriers in transitioning from a linear to a circular economy and the chance and challenge for our generation!
“Towards true sustainability”
Economy, environment and society working together not against each other and redesign thinking towards restorative systems, bringing opportunities to widen our circle of compassion, wellbeing and happiness to incorporate the ‘web of life’ through our individual and collective interactions with the economy around us.
We invite professionals from government agencies, policymakers and researchers, decision-makers in businesses, business associations and NGOs, academics, and students to contribute to the discussion.
Time & Location:
12.30 pm to 2.00 pm, Wednesday 20 November 2019
Rutherford House Lecture Theatre 3 (RHLT3- Ground Floor), 23 Lambton Quay, Pipitea, Wellington
Attendees can expect to hear from the following speakers:
Prof. Girol Karacaoglu: Head of School of Government Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Florian Graichen: Science leader- Biopolymer & Chemicals SCION Research, Rotorua
Koha will be appreciated.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/linear-to-circular-new-zealands-opportunities-and-challenges-tickets-80090112683