What We Do

Making a difference

UNA NZ is committed to the ideals embodied in the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the crucial role of the UN at the centre of multilateral cooperation to promote world peace and justice, and to eradicate poverty and hunger. We recognise that the UN has far to go to achieve its objectives, and are committed to its improvement.

We work in a variety of ways to highlight the importance of the UN, and to engender the skills within our young people to cope with this extraordinarily challenging international environment. We educate New Zealanders about the activities of the UN and its agencies, New Zealand’s involvement, and how to get involved. Our current focus is working together with others to raise the importance of finding ways to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, Global Security and UN Renewal.

In addition to running regular awareness-raising events, workshops, seminars and panel discussions, UNA NZ plays a key role in encouraging the New Zealand Government to support the work of the UN. We also celebrate special UN related days, endeavoring to keep UN issues before the public and creating a forum for citizens to engage with relevant government officials. These events also include webinars with many participants. 

UNA NZ undertakes and partners to support several education projects such as the National speech awards that have been running for over 30 years, creating a UN webquest site to provide educators across New Zealand will appropriate resources to teach about the SDG's. UNA NZ has also undertaken partnership with 'She can code' and The Children's University to help young people learn about the SDG's.

UNA NZ hosts several interns throughout each year supporting them to undertake valuable research about the UN, its goals and work in New Zealand. These create valuable research reports hosted on our website. In addition, UNA NZ produces a monthly newsletter providing over 1,000 New Zealanders with information about the UN and New Zealand.  

Our National Conference is the premier UNA NZ event, which brings together nationwide members to participate in panel discussions, and hear from national and international speakers. The conference also hosts our National Secondary School Speech Awards finals. UNA NZ branches across the country also run events such as model United Nations within school, diplomatic dialogues and other education events.   


UNA NZ is committed the Council of International Developments code of conduct. You can view the code here. this includes having a complaints policy, if you are any time unhappy with our work or our compliance with this code you can find out about our complaints process here.


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